CTO Group recently supported the entry of a team into the 2014 Hartley Cycle Challenge.
Hartley Lifecare does some amazing work in our community, providing respite care for children through to adults and their families for people with complex disabilities.
The Cycle Challenge was an amazing event which as at Saturday night, had raised almost $600,000.00 which will directly benefit those that need support the most in our community.
I would like to personally thank Rob Slikker for organising the team and for the incredible contribution that he made leading up to and during the weekend.
Basically, the Cycle Challengers cover over 450km of gruelling inclines (and what seemed like very few declines) to make their way from Narrabundah to Charlottes Pass and return, over three very long days.
Rob rode every single one of the 450km, never once stepping inside the support van. The cause was extremely important to him and I could see his determination to push through the cramps, blisters and general fatigue, to make it to the summit and back to Canberra again!
The event is less about riders individual achievements but more about the cause. This came through during the presentation on the Saturday Night at Jindabyne, which included a guest speaker who has had a long relationship with Hartley, having been the recipient of the wonderful work they do. A Truly inspiring account of their adversity and how, through determination, you can overcome such events in your life.
If anyone would like to contribute through a donation to Hartley, Rob’s donation page is here.
Again, well done Rob, you have inspired me to contemplate following in your footsteps at next year’s event!
General Manager