Cyber Security

History has seen Cyber Security evolve into what is a relatively well-understood concept; referring to the body of technologies, processes and mitigations designed to protect information, systems and networks from attack with intent.

But as Cyber Security has evolved, so have the adversaries …

CTO Group’s Cyber Security capability starts with the understanding that security fundamentally relates to the concept of how to mitigate, avoid or reduce risks inherent to the successful operation of any major organisation.

Historically this has involved maintaining a defensive posture pivoting of policy and compliance as the measuring stick and Technology for the immediate fix. As the modern Cyber Security landscape is constantly evolving, the need arises to continue to ensure compliance and auditing, but also leverage technology as an enabler for optimal Security posture, along with alternative security options which may be more appropriate or effective for a given Organisation.

CTO Group maintains a broad Cyber Security capability, with a comprehensive understanding of proprietary ecosystems, as well as the processes and frameworks required to advise organisations on a holistic security stance to confront the specific risks that apply to their situation.

Our role providing trusted advice in this domain is founded in our significant experience in complex Cyber Security engagements.

capability leader / Cyber Security

Warwick Hoyle

IT Security has historically been perceived as a blocker and siloed gate keeper by many.
CTO Group understands the importance of collaboration and the need to work with all aspects of the organisation to provide the right Security posture and compliance whilst supporting desired outcomes. CTO Group provides Security Consultants with a broad range of understanding of the Security landscape, ensuring optimal delivery and agility to quickly adapt to the dynamics of a client's needs.


Blog / Cyber Security

Rethinking the Password – Part 2

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Blog / Cyber Security

Rethinking the Password – Part 1

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News / Cyber Security

CTO Group rapidly expands Cyber Security practice to meet demand

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Blog / Cyber Security

Why your malware is a valuable information resource

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Blog / Cyber Security

Is your organisation committed to security?

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